Monday, March 27, 2023

Group Meetings #2

 Within the group meeting, we discussed common struggles we've faced, one especially being the due date coming in quickly. The common trend seemed to be not knowing what to do for our CCRs. We discussed our plans for the week, mine including the final film scenes being shot and starting up the CCR script along with the filming. We all agreed that most of our struggles throughout our project were simply sitting down and just getting our ideas down on some sort of recording or paper. Many of us are excited about critiques soon and looking forward to our end products as well. 

The last week of this project is definetly going to be the most heavy work wise but Im excited to finally see how the final end product will look like. Judy and I also discussed how to format our CCR's and we are excited to begin working on those as well.

Crying Thumbs up Cat Gold Star Good Job Meme Painting - Etsy

Music choice struggle

 About a week ago, Judy and I reached out to two different artists (Ava by Famy and Ceilings by Lizzy Alpine) in hopes to be able to use their music in out project. They have yet to reach out back to us so while we wait here are some songs that I found to use as our "Plan B" just in case.

Song #1 -

Song #2

Song #3

We made a playlist inspired by our film opening as well that we often listen to for inspiration while brainstorming, heres it linked in case you want to have a listen!

Elle - Main Character : Mood Board

Our character, Elle goes through certain hardships while in her weightlifting class. Her overall exterior isn't one where people are quick to assume she is a common gym goer. Even though the color pink isn't necessarily now only viewed as a "girl" color in the outside world, in the gym she seems to stick out as a sore thumb. Comparable to Elle Woods walking past a group of men in suits, our Elle seems to be the only person at her gym that sports a colorful pink jumpsuit whilst everyone around her is in neutrals. When it comes to her attitude, she is someone very determined but will often downplay herself in private. Her bubbly personality is often front she showcases as she assumes that's how most will want her to act. She is someone who doesn't like to let people see her at her worst, especially with the environment she's in but as the story goes on she learns to let that side show and becomes an influence to those around her as well. 

Film Opening

 And here she is, "OVER- SHOOT!" As complicated and at some points frustrating, as this project was, Judy and I are pleased to fin...